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Saturday, December 10, 2022

Life of Online High School Students vs. Traditional Students

An online high school student experiences quite a change in his daily life as well as lifestyle when switched from a traditional school to an online one. The daily route is perhaps the biggest difference between the online high school and the traditional high school.

Here is a comparison between the daily routine of an online high school student and that of a traditional high school student:

Wake-up call
Mornings for a traditional school student start with waking up early with the help of an alarm clock in general! They need to get up earlier since they need to catch the bus, van or walk on their own. If the mode of communication is feet, then the kid is real lucky to have his school near to his residence. In many cases, the child’s mom or dad might give him a ride to school.

An online high school student on the other hand needs to wake up not too early. However, if he belongs to a disciplined family, he shall wake up at around 6 or 7 a.m. He freshens up for the day and logs in to start his coursework.

As you compare the two scenarios, you can figure out that online schooling saves the time required for getting ready and commuting. The difference is more striking if the traditional school is pretty far from the child’s residential area. The child nearly has to wake up around 5a.m. in such a case when his school just starts at 7 a.m.

First half of the day
Fir a traditional student, the school hours generally start from about 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The classes predominantly consist of lectures and working on assignments. Any assignment or classwork that is not completed within the school hours become part of your homework.

Online schools follow a curriculum that is as rigorous as that of a traditional school.  You at least need to invest 30-35 hours per week to complete your assignments and other work on time. The major difference here is that the students need not follow a fixed schedule or a fixed learning pace. They are also not tied to a physical classroom. However, such a high level of freedom calls for a high level of discipline.

It is crucial for online students to stay ahead of their schedules. Many of you might get scared hearing that discipline is a must for the online learners. But, in the hindsight, discipline is a must in any job environment, college environment or other higher-level study environments. So, it is beneficial for you if you start inculcating the skill early in your life. After all, old habits die hard!

All the tasks like assignments, quizzes, exams and collaborative or solo projects etc. are completed online. There might be certain tasks that you shall be needed to do offline as well. But, first you need to focus on your online tasks. In general, an online course consists of six units that are divided into five lessons each. Students need to complete at least one lesson in each class every single working day that involves the weekdays. You can do some work on your weekend as well if you wish in order to gain deeper knowledge and moving ahead of your schedule.

Online courses are usually are teacher-guided. These contain several instructional videos, educational games etc. The education is imparted with the help of multiple mediums such as audio books, visual lessons, PowerPoint presentations etc. to make it more enticing and stimulating for the kids.

Thus, online classes are vibrant and focus on variety. On the other hand, traditional classes are highly monotonous and rigid. The latter surely tends to get you real bored.

Lunch break
Whether you are in a traditional or an online school, you need to take the lunch break to rejuvenate your minds and get some fresh air. While in traditional schools, you have no choice but to depend on the cafeteria food. At home, you can afford to have a healthy diet in case you wish for it. You might even get a little nap at home before continuing further to work on specific assignments. This is applicable only for online learners.

Qualification of teachers
Teachers are employed in good schools only when they are proficient and specialized in their subjective areas. This applies both for traditional and online school faculty.

However, the difference lies in the fact that online faculty is available 24x7 for online learners. Conventional school teachers are only available during the school hours. So, in case you have queries, you are more likely to get them resolved the same day only if you are an online learner.

Since conventional schools contain ‘live” teachers and ”live” peers, the opportunities for socialization appear to be more apparent. However, this kind of socialization is not exactly productive.

Online learning does not involve a physical classroom. Online schools provide different techniques to students for socialization. Online students connect with classmates differently. The several channels that make Interaction happen are:

•Discussion forums
•Collaborative projects
•Staff-monitored community page.
•Online student clubs or groups usually built for a specific task.

Such interactions are far more meaningful and productive. Bonding and friendship are the by-products. You tend to make more genuine friends here since you get to come across people having similar mindset and goals as you. You need not go for forced friendships under any sort of peer pressure or just to stick to a “cool” group. The friendship built here is much more genuine and natural.

Completion of the pending work
Traditional school students need to complete their pending classroom assignments at home itself. Online school students can continue with their pending assignments in the second half of the day if they wish. They can take the help of several online tools and resources to do so.

Students of an Accredited Online High School feel more at ease to complete their assignments on time. In course of time, they develop self-drive that alone motivates them to follow the ideal daily routine throughout the coursework.

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