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Friday, July 31, 2020

Do More Than Just Credit Recovery With Virtual Learning Programs

With increasing high school dropout rates and the widespread use of virtual learning in the form of credit recovery programs, there have been certain people questioning the effectiveness of the entire concept of online learning. These credit recovery programs are being developed and targeted at students who have failed high school with the objective of offering them a second chance at graduating and earning their high school diplomas. There are several such students across America who are probably just a couple of credits away from graduating high school. Improving graduation rates and offering such students a second chance at college are important objectives online platforms seek to achieve. These objectives are absolutely vital to the long-term success of such students and also help them become more independent.

Most of these online programs are usually of a shorter duration than the original courses and can be completed via online learning or in person. They offer students the option of customizing their curriculum to help them grasp concepts and skills they may have missed out on the first time around. Although credit recovery isn’t all that new, providing students access to credit recovery programs via virtual learning is slowly gaining ground. Of course, along with that come apprehensions about the effectiveness of such programs and their long-term viability. Summer school is probably the oldest form of credit recovery that offers students a second chance via conventional schooling and has been used for a very long time to help students catch up on their credit scores in order to graduate. Moreover, scheduling classes via summer school programs works out to be very effective since it avoids any conflict with regular school curriculum.

However, the use of online learning programs is not limited to credit recovery. While such programs do contribute significantly to the overall development of weaker students and provide them with a second chance at completing a course they may have failed or quit, the reach of online school courses goes much beyond. They do much more than just help students catch up on their credit scores in order to graduate. The use of virtual learning in this manner is more common among high school students with the primary focus being cast upon helping students graduate. But students from middle school and elementary school have also been employing such courses to help students improve their grades and have witnessed remarkable progress in terms of their grades and overall learning capacities. While most usually connect the use of such programs with a high school diploma, in reality, they are so much more than that.

To know more about online programs, log on to www.ogburnonlineschool.com. It is time for us to work together to ensure that our children have a bright future they can look forward to.